Search the MicroSoft KnowledgeBase with
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This search is based on a tip that I unabashedly stole <G> from Fred Langa's excellent newsletter. If you use the Microsoft Knowledgebase (MSKB) on a regular basis, you're probably very familiar with the search that is provided at the Microsoft site. And if you are like me, you've been frustrated by that search on more than one occassion. Well, turns out you can search that same Knowledgebase using Google, a far superior search engine. As noted in the 3/19/01 issue of The Langalist, all you have to do is go to the "advanced search" option there, for "domains" specify only and for "search words" always include "kb". The net effect is that you perform a Google search on only the MSKB articles! Quite nice, and far more efficient and productive than using the search provided by Microsoft. So all I have done here is just automate this feature a bit through HTML code. All you have to do is enter your search words, and the search will add the "kb" key word for you, plus limit the search to Pretty simple stuff, but a second saved is a second earned.... or something like that!

Comments, questions, observations, whatever? Send 'em on!